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My Money Habitudes Workbook
My Money Habitudes Workbook
Price: $9.95

The Professional's Special is designed for those who work with money, typically either in financial education, financial planning, career counseling, relationship education and those doing marriage counseling or couples counseling.
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Grieving Cards
Grieving Cards
Price: $12.95

A set of 100 cards to support one’s grieving process. The cards can be used as affirmations, intentions, as pick me ups or as journaling prompts. The cards are green which represents the heart on a chakra chart. A place to release emotionally suppressed trauma.  The cards invite you to be gentle with yourself as you work your way through grief. more info
Money Habitudes for Teens
Money Habitudes Card Deck for Teens
Price: $14.95

Money Habitudes for Teens gets high school students to talk about money in a fun, non-threatening way. The hands-on conversation starter and money personality assessment helps teens understand their own unique spending habits and attitudes that affect their financial decisions. more info
Money Habitudes for Adults
Adult Money Habitudes Card Deck
Price: $14.95

Money Habitudes cards are a great money conversation starter and money personality test. A fun, hands-on tool, the activity makes it easy for people to talk about money. People quickly come to understand how their spending habits, attitudes, and values affect their financial decisions.
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Just One Thing Card Deck
Just One Thing Card Deck
Price: $19.99
ON SALE: $14.99
Savings: $5.00

ON SALE These practices are grounded in brain science, positive psychology, and contemplative training. They’re simple and easy to do - and they produce powerful results: bringing you more joy, more fulfilling relationships, and more peace of mind and heart.
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Be Mindful Card Deck for Teens
Be Mindful Card Deck for Teens
Price: $16.99

Be Mindful Card Deck offers you 50 ways to be present to your life as it is actually taking place. Designed to help teens manage everyday stress and pressure. Life is more fun and rewarding when you are relaxed.
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My Calm Place Card Deck
My Calm Place Card Deck
Price: $16.99

My Calm Place Card Deck combines yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and guided imagery activities to calm emotions and promote self-regulation in children.

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Self-Compassion & Mindfulness for Teens Card Deck
Self-Compassion & Mindfulness for Teens Card Deck
Price: $16.99

This card deck is a collection of 54 prompts using mindfulness, compassion, self-compassion, and kindness to tackle, discuss, and treat these challenging issues.
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Letting Go of Anger Card Deck
Letting Go of Anger Card Deck
Price: $16.99

Learn simple skills to successfully manage anger, calm down in emotionally tense moments, overcome anxiety and create a positive healthy relationship with anger. The more you use these cards, the calmer and happier you will feel.

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Conscious Dating
Conscious Dating, Finding the Love of Your Life
Price: $19.95

Conscious Dating: Finding the Love of Your Life in Today’s World changes the way single men and women view dating, relationships, and, most importantly, themselves. more info