My Money Habitudes Workbook

The Professional's Special is designed for those who work with money, typically either in financial education, financial planning, career counseling, relationship education and those doing marriage counseling or couples counseling.
Being Coached: Group and Team Coaching from the Inside

Get an insider’s view of Group Coaching through real time stories of leaders as they are being coached, and peer coaching one another.
Values Deck

The Road to Resilience™ VALUES DECK offers you and your team creative ways to engage in conversations about values. The Two-Decks-in-One feature packs multiple usage possibilities into one set of cards.
Parenting - The Hero's Adventure

A beautiful 48 card deck to explore the ever-evolving role of parent. Perfect for relationship and parenting coaches. The archetypes and questions will inspire curiosity, envisioning, imagining, patience, and self-awareness about what’s possible in the parenting role.
Good Question Cards

48 great open-ended coaching questions to help you appreciate and build on what’s good. Great for coaches, facilitators and discussion leaders.
Q Basics Open-Ended Questions For Coaching Mastery

A training tool for coaches and managers who want to develop mastery in the fundamental coaching skill of asking powerful open-ended questions.
Experiential Group Facilitation Tips & Tools

Tips and Tools explores the facilitator’s role in groups of all kinds and offers tools and activities to enhance group sessions. You will learn about setting the tone, sequencing activities, guidelines for effective facilitating, the impact of personal style and creating meaning.
The Simply Self-Wonderful Inner Workout Book

The Simply Self-Wonderful Inner Workout Book. The workout book has affirmations, definitions, encouragements, quotes and activities in five focus areas; Mental, Emotional, Physical, Social, and Spiritual. The mandalas for you to color offer a creative way to center and reflect. Nurture and support the Simply Self-Wonderful YOU! that you are meant to be.
Positive Emotions Cards

These cards combine coaching questions and images to expand well being awareness, explain why positive emotions are good for us and provide ideas for how to experience a greater range of positive feelings.
At my best ® Strengths Cards
Price: $39.00 ON SALE: $32.00 Savings: $7.00

ON SALE The At my best® strengths cards are an inspiring set of images and words that help your clients focus on what they (and others) do best. A flexible and highly engaging way to open up discussion or use as a card sort process.