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The Mindfulness Bundle
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The Mindfulness Bundle
Mindfulness practices have been shown to reduce stress and bring more meaning and fulfillment to daily life. There are so many ways to introduce mindfulness to clients and these three tools offer a gold mine of ideas.
Included are:
The Mindful Doodle Book: 75 Exercises To Help You Live In
The Moment. Melt Worry & Relax Card Deck, Mindful Reminders Card Deck
The Mindful Doodle Book: 75 Exercises To Help You Live In
The Moment.
The Mindful Doodle Book brings mindfulness practices and intuitive expression together to help you relax, find focus, and creatively express emotions. It has all the ingredients of a powerful and supportive practice. Grab a
pen or pencil and explore the 75 doodle exercises that draw on emotions,
thoughts, hopes and sensory awareness.
The Mindful Doodle Book by Dr Patricia Isis, combines the benefits of mindfulness and the intuitive expression of doodling to help you relax, find focus, and creatively express emotions through spontaneous art-making.
"The exercises are divided into 5 categories that range from doodling specific emotions or experiences to problem solving to exploring hopes, dreams and aspirations. Doodling, besides being fun, accesses different parts of the brain. “Being with” the intention of a given doodle in a sustained, self-compassionate way, will yield new acceptance and/or perspective.
Here is a small sampling of doodles that would be perfect for [coaching] clients: the crossroads doodle, the priorities doodle, the dialogue with your inner critic doodle or the looking ahead 5 years doodle. Whether you use the exercises in a session, as homework or refer a client to the book, The Mindful Doodle Book is a great resource
Marcy Nelson-Garrison, the Coaching Tools feature article Choice Magazine, V14N4
Mindful doodling is fun, calming and deeply moving. It has all the ingredients of a powerful and supportive practice. Grab a pen or pencil and explore the 75 doodle exercises that draw on emotions, thoughts, hopes and sensory awareness..
Melt Worry & Relax Card Deck
Melt Worry and Relax gives you 56 of the most creative and effective strategies available to help you melt worry and breath easier - all in bite size nuggets. Perfect for anyone who worries too much, or feels stressed, anxious or tired.
The cards are organized in 4 suits: Doing, Thinking, Relaxing & Breathing. For example, one of the "Doing" cards invites you to sing and one of the "Relaxing" cards offers an exercise to breath out angst.
All of the suggested activities and prompts are based in cognitive therapy, mindfulness, relaxation and behavioral therapy. Each card will help you melt worry and anxiety quickly and easily.
Mindful Reminders Card Deck
50 simple, yet powerful practices that will help you build skills of awareness, compassion, and presence for what matters in your daily life. Whether you are new to mindfulness practice, or whether you’ve been meditating for years, this deck offers fun, accessible reminders for bringing more mindfulness into your life. Live your life more fully, reduce stress and remove distractions with the Mindful Reminders Card Deck.
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