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AHA Moments

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RETHiNK Card Deck The Simply Self-Wonderful Card Deck
RETHiNK Card Deck
ON SALE: $12.99
Savings: $4.00

ON SALE These conversation cards are meant to get people thinking and talking about who they are, what they like, and how they interact with the world around them. Perfect for group work.

The Simply Self-Wonderful Card Deck Embrace your Self-Wonderful gifts and turn your Self-Woundings into gifts, so at any moment, you can be the Simply Self-Wonderful YOU! that you are meant to be. Comes with 33 Self-Wonderfuls, 32 Self-Woundings cards, and a guidebook that expands the definitions,
Shift Deck Just One Thing Card Deck
Shift Deck
Price: $21.95
Shift happens with the "Shift Deck"! Thirty five instructional cards playfully move you through your mental ruts to a state of ease and possibility. Hugely entertaining. These practices are grounded in brain science, positive psychology, and contemplative training. They’re simple and easy to do - and they produce powerful results: bringing you more joy, more fulfilling relationships, and more peace of mind and heart.
Positive Emotions Cards Q Basics for Coaching Mastery
These cards combine coaching questions and images to expand well being awareness, explain why positive emotions are good for us and provide ideas for how to experience a greater range of positive feelings. A training tool for coaches and managers who want to develop mastery in the fundamental coaching skill of asking powerful open-ended questions.
Climer Cards Good Question Cards
Climer Cards
Price: $24.95
Good Question Cards
ON SALE: $19.00
Savings: $6.00
Climer Cards offer a fun way to engage with groups, students and clients. The hand drawn art images evoke reflection, insight and lively discussion. Perfect for coaches, therapists, educators and facilitators.
ON SALE 48 great open-ended coaching questions to help you appreciate and build on what’s good. Great for coaches, facilitators and discussion leaders.
Silly Bird Emotion Cards The Mindfulness Bundle
Silly Bird Emotion Cards
ON SALE: $17.00
Savings: $8.00
The Mindfulness Bundle
ON SALE: $39.99
Savings: $13.00
ON SALE Emotions tell a story, express a moment and help us empathize with others. This collection of emotions expressed in the Silly Bird characters offer a light and fun way to teach about emotions, invite expression, and even encourage creative writing or story telling. ON SALE There are so many ways to introduce mindfulness to clients and these three tools offer a gold mine of ideas. This bundle includes; The Mindful Doodle Book: 75 Exercises To Help You Live In The Moment. Melt Worry & Relax Card Deck, Mindful Reminders Card Deck.

Featured SPECIAL

Image Prompts - General Collection

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Price: $47.00
ON SALE: $23.50
Savings: $23.50
Image Prompts - General Collection

SUPER DEAL! Save 50% Visual Image Prompts give you a fast-track to new awareness, powerful engagement and breakthrough results. They make it easy for you to spice up your online group programs, meetings and private sessions…you never know what they will elicit…expect surprises, connection, depth and transformation!

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Creative Processing Bundle
Price: $59.99
Image Prompts - JICT
Price: $57.00

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The Magic of Affirmation Power
Price: $12.95
The Simply Self-Wonderful Bundle
Price: $53.99
The Simply Self-Wonderful Inner Workout Book
Price: $29.99
My Money Habitudes Workbook
Price: $9.95
Powerful Choices, Powerful Life
Price: $9.95